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Legal conditions

Legal Notice

The University of Granada is an educational institution under public law for the provision of the public service of higher education, with the city of Granada as the seat of the university faculty, the rectorate, the management and the central services of the University.

The University of Granada with CIF: Q1818002F has its headquarters in Avda. del Hospicio, s/n C.P. 18071 Granada and is registered in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT), Universities Section, of the Ministry of Education, with code 08.

General Conditions of Use

Access to and use of this website and all those associated with the University of Granada corresponding to its Bodies, Services, Faculties, Schools, Departments and Institutes (hereinafter the Portal) attributes to the user the condition of user and implies acceptance of each and every one of the terms contained in these General Conditions, without prejudice to the fact that access to any of the services or content that may be obtained through these pages may be subject to the acceptance of additional Special Conditions.

The University of Granada may modify these conditions, which will be published, and the user must periodically access them to be aware of the changes.


The information contained in this Portal is intended for the fulfillment of the function of citizen attention and general information, and will not imply a normative interpretation, nor legal or economic consideration in the terms established by the Royal Decree 208/1996, of February 9, which regulates the Administrative Information Services and Citizen Services.

The information and contents of this Portal may not be used in contradictory processes with the Public Administration, and the University is in no way responsible for the application or specific use that may be made of it, nor for any discrepancies that may exist between the printed documents of the competent Administration and the electronic publication on these pages.

The University of Granada may freely modify or delete the information contained in the Portal or its design, presentation and configuration in order to ensure that it is permanently updated and free of errors.

Since the updating of information is not immediate, we suggest that you always check the validity, timeliness and accuracy of the information and content contained in the Portal.

However, although the University of Granada has taken reasonable measures and makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in the Portal is correct, it does not guarantee that it is accurate, complete, or updated, without prejudice to the information, services and transactions provided by the University through its electronic headquarters in accordance with the provisions of Law 11/2007, of June 22, 2007, on electronic access of citizens to Public Services. La University of Granada publishes its official information only in its Electronic Headquarters, Official Bulletins and Bulletin Boards of the Centers and Central Services.

The user undertakes to make good use of the contents of this Portal, which may never be used for activities that are illicit or harmful to the rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may be contrary to morality, good uses and customs and public order.

In any case, the use of the information provided through the Portal is the sole responsibility of the user, who may not pass on to the University of Granada any consequence derived directly or indirectly from accessing the Portal, in particular in relation to the adoption of decisions on the initiation, development or outcome of administrative procedures, which must be contrasted in the competent centers, agencies or departments.

Cookies policy

The purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on the Web of the Zoology Collections Laboratory of the University of Granada.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of text that the websites you visit send to your browser that allows the website to remember information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, in order to facilitate your next visit and make the site more useful to you. Cookies play a very important role and contribute to a better browsing experience for the user.

Types of cookies

Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and the data obtained are processed, two types of cookies can be distinguished: first-party cookies and third-party cookies.

There is also a second classification according to the length of time they remain stored in the client's browser, being session cookies or persistent cookies.

Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies according to the purpose for which the data obtained are processed: technical cookies, personalization cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies and behavioral advertising cookies.

For more information in this regard you can consult the Guide on the use of cookies of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Cookies used on the web

The cookies that are being used in this portal are identified below, as well as their type and function:

The website of the University of Granada uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of navigation on web pages. In your browser you can see cookies from this service. According to the previous typology, they are own cookies, session cookies and analysis cookies.

Through web analytics, information is obtained on the number of users accessing the website, the number of pages viewed, the frequency and repetition of visits, their duration, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language, the terminal used and the city to which your IP address is assigned. Information that enables a better and more appropriate service by this portal.

To ensure anonymity, Google will anonymize your information by truncating the IP address before storing it, so that Google Analytics is not used to locate or collect personally identifiable information about visitors to the site. Google may only send the information collected by Google Analytics to third parties where it is legally obliged to do so. In accordance with the Google Analytics terms of service, Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

Finally, a cookie called cookie_agreed is downloaded, which is of a technical and session type. It manages the user's consent to the use of cookies on the website. The purpose is to remember those users who have accepted them and those who have not, so that the former are not shown information at the bottom of the page in this regard.

Acceptance of cookies policy

By clicking the button "I have read the cookies policy" it is assumed that you accept the use of cookies.

How to modify your cookie settings

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from the University of Granada or any other website, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, the 'Help' function will show you how to do it.



The University of Granada adopts the necessary security measures in the use of information technologies, however these are not infallible and the user must be aware of this.

For this reason, the University is not responsible for damages, losses, anomalies, malfunctions or deterioration that may occur in the equipment or systems of users as a direct or indirect result of access to this Portal, or that may cause viruses, Trojans or other computer programs.

In this sense, remember that all users of technologies provided by the University of Granada must know, accept and apply the 'Regulations for the use of computer and communications resources'.

Likewise, it will not be responsible in cases where it is not possible to guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal and the absence of operational failures, interruptions in service or transmission, or errors in access to it or its content due to force majeure or accidents or in any other case not attributable to the University or is necessary for the proper provision of the service in the event of maintenance stoppages.

However, in the equipment that maintains the service of the institutional web pages, the protection measures established in the National Security Scheme are applied, and failing that, the minimum measures established by the University for all equipment and described in the following document:

Document on protection measures

Intellectual Property Rights and Industrial Property

This Portal is the property of the University of Granada. The Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of this Portal, the CSS and HTML code, pages, screens, the information they contain, their appearance, design, logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear on it, are the exclusive property of the University, except for those elements whose authorship or ownership is explicitly indicated.

Any improper use of the same by any person other than their legitimate owner will give rise to the exercise of the actions that legally correspond to the University and, if applicable, to the responsibilities that may arise from such exercise.

The total or partial reproduction of the contents of the Portal is authorized, as long as its public origin is expressly mentioned., En caso de ser citado algún dato contenido en la misma, será respetada su integridad y significado.


The University of Granada assumes no responsibility for links to other Web pages that are included at any time in the Portal in order to provide more information to the user and expand the resources available to them, as it has no control over them. In case of accessing its contents, the user will do so under his sole responsibility and under the conditions of use to which they are subject.

In particular, hyperlinks to social networks such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc., related to our entity are included in the web. Once the user accesses them will be subject to the legal framework established for each of them.

Websites that incorporate links to this Portal may not include false, inaccurate or misleading information that may mislead those who access.

Protection of personal data

The data provided to the University of Granada through this Portal or any other means or medium will be processed by the University of Granada, whose headquarters are located in Hospital Real, Avenida del Hospicio, s/n. 18071, Granada, as the data controller.

The purpose of the collection and automated processing of personal data is the management, provision, expansion and improvement of the services requested at any time by the user and the follow-up of the queries raised, which will be properly informed at the time of collection of your personal data, requesting your prior express consent, where appropriate", to the extent that the basis that legitimizes the treatment is based on this and not otherwise, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter LOPDGDG), and other regulations in force in this area.

The University of Granada will transfer or communicate your data when necessary to achieve the purposes envisaged for each activity subject to processing and according to the legal bases that legitimize these, which you can consult, as well as the category of recipients through the Register of Processing Activities.

Any use of personal data other than the intended purposes without the consent of the data subject or, where appropriate, those necessary to comply with contractual, legal or public interest obligations entrusted to the University of Granada, will be the sole responsibility of the person who carries it out and could be brought to the attention of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, without prejudice to any legal action that the University may take.

The University of Granada ensures the strictest confidentiality in the collection and processing of data provided by its users. For this purpose, it will adopt the necessary measures to avoid its theft, loss, modification, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the nature of the data and the potential risks to which they are exposed, whatever their origin, according to the state of technology. To this end, the measures adopted follow the recommendations of the National Security Scheme and the minimum established by the University of Granada.

Users may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification or deletion, limitation, opposition, portability, the right not to be subject to automated individual decisions and to withdraw consent by writing to the General Secretariat (Hospital Real. Avda. del Hospicio, s/n. 18071 Granada), which is the competent body of the University of Granada in matters of personal data protection and will be responsible for giving the appropriate response, after the appropriate procedures for verification of identity and others that may be appropriate, within one month of receipt of your request.

The presentation may be made in person at any of the Offices of the General Registry of the UGR or by any of the procedures provided for in Article 16.4 in Law 39/2015, of October 1, accompanying a copy of the DNI. It may also be made by electronic means through the Electronic Registry of the University of Granada ( There are also web forms available to exercise each of the rights, which you will find on the website of the General (

If you consider that your request has not been answered in time or has not been adequately attended by the University of Granada, you can contact the Data Protection Delegate, explaining everything you consider necessary in defense of your rights, either by e-mail (, by post (Complejo Administrativo Triunfo. Pabellón 7. Avda. del Hospicio, s/n. 18071 Granada).

Prohibited acts and errors

Any user who knows of any action that, in an irregular manner, may modify or alter the contents, violate intellectual and industrial property rights, impair the proper functioning or prevent access to this Portal, actions that are expressly prohibited, must communicate this situation to the General Secretariat of the University of Granada by any of the means of contact provided on the Portal.

Likewise, if you detect any error, please communicate it to the University through the same channels.