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You are browsing between the cards of the museum of the phylum: Arthropoda

Card 32/90



opilion, harvestman


Phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Chelicerata

Class: Arachnida

Order: Opiliones


Terrestrial, mostly epigean, some species on vegetation.


Carnivorous, omnivorous, and saprophagous species.


Present on all continents

Conservation status

Two species of Opiliones are listed in the Red Books with different categories of threat. Maiorerus randoi Rambla, 1993, endemic to the island of Fuerteventura (Cueva del Llano), is listed as "Endangered" (EN) in the National Catalog of Protected Species and in the Atlas and Red Book of Endangered Invertebrates of Spain. Roeweritta caarpentieri (Roewer, 1953), endemic to Sierra Nevada, appears as "Vulnerable" (VU) in the Atlas and Red Book of Endangered Invertebrates of Spain and in the Red Book of Invertebrates of Andalusia .

Additional information

The opiliones present the prosoma and opisthosoma united in all its width. In addition, the latter presents patent segmentation. The appendages comprise a pair of chelated chelicerae (they end in the shape of a pincer), a pair of pedipalps and four pairs of very fine and, in most cases, very long walking legs. The eyes are usually located in an ocular protuberance.

Additional information


- Barea-Azcón, J.M. (2008). Roeweritta carpentieri (Roewer, 1953). En Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados de Andalucía. Vol. 2 (pp. 684-686). Barea, J.M., Ballesteros, E. & Moreno, D. (Eds.). Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla. Accesible en:

- Merino, I. & Prieto, C. (2015). Orden Opiliones. Revista IDE@ - SEA 17: 1-12. Accesible en:

- Prieto, C.E. (2011). Roeweritta carpentieri (Roewer, 1953). En Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados amenazados de España (Especies Vulnerables). Volumen I: Artrópodos (pp. 100-104). Verdú, J.R., Numa, C. & Galante, E. (Eds). Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio rural y Marino, Madrid. Accesible en:

- Oromí, P. (2009). Maiorerus randoi Rambla, 1993. En Atlas de los invertebrados amenazados de España (Especies en peligro crítico y en peligro) (pp. 76-80). Verdú, J.R. & Galante, E. (Eds.). Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. Madrid. Accesible en:

- Pinto-da-Rocha, R., Machado, G. & Giribet, G. (2007). Harvestmen. The Biology of Opiliones. Harvard University Press, Harvard.Jones, D. (2004). Guía de campo de los arácnidos de España y de Europa. Omega, Barcelona.