common cockroach
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class: Hexapoda
Subclass: Insecta
Order: Blattodea
Family: Blattidae
Genus: Blatta
Terrestrial, epigeal, places with detritus
Macrophage, detritivore.
Europe and Mediterranean basin
Conservation status
No threats
Additional information
Flattened, antennae and legs long, spiny. Wide pronotum almost completely covering the head. Forewings leathery, usually shorter in females. Hind wings membranous or missing. Eggs are laid in cases or oothecae that females carry on the back. Adult-like nymphs without wings.
Roth, L.M. - A taxonomic revision of the genus Blattella Caudell (Dictyoptera, Blattaria: Blattellidae). in Ent. scand., Suppl. 22: 1-221. 1985
- Pascual F. 2011. Revista IDE@ - SEA, nº 48 (30-06-2015): 1–13. (
- Tang, Q., Bourguignon, T., Willenmse, L., De Coninck, E., & Evans, T. (2019). Global spread of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica. Biological Invasions, 21(3), 693-707.
Metzger, R., & Hanisch, J. (1979). Size and distribution of a Blattella germanica population. Angewandte Parasitologie, 20(4), 193-202.